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Hello, Brave Ones!
I am so glad you are here.  I see you.  I hear you.  I got you.


SiSu Relational Services

Stacy Saindon, MA LMFT, RYT-200
Grief Support Specialist


I'm a Yogi. Sister. Wife. Mother. Love & Merry-Maker.  I'm from the state of 10,000 Lakes and 10,000 mosquitoes.  I was raised on Hostess Cupcakes, Pepsi-Cola and Kemps Milk from our milkman.  I'm from Norwegian and Finnish descent (thus SiSu was a way of life).  I'm from summers of green hair swimming in our pool, hours of playing kick the can until the street lights came on and from a home that was the heartbeat of our neighborhood. I root for the under-dog. I'm a middle child, fairness and equity are hard coded values. The integration of above taught me:


-nothing is more important than family (which often is our family of choice).

-to relentlessly pursue love & connection.

-to gather around a dinner table often with those I love.



Individual & Relational Therapy, Yoga, Coaching, Intensive Grief Program, Consultation & Training.

I know first hand the heartbreak of losing someone we love.  Grief can be crippling and devastating.  I help people process the depths of their grief, by creating a brave space to understand what was lost, help move feelings through your body and co-create a path towards a life of joy and meaning again. I provide individual & relational therapy as well as an intense group program called Grieve & Love Well.  It's a 4 month program that provides psycho-educational grief modules, support group and a private Facebook group for daily support.


We've all experienced trauma in our lives, heck even birth is traumatic. I use somatic treatments like Eye Movement Desensitization (EMDR) and yoga as a way to process unresolved and stuck trauma, to move you towards a state of peace and bliss.


As mammals we are born to attach to our relationships, our natural state is in connection with others.  For many of us, our early template of relationships had themes of anxiety and disconnection. I help people create a secure attachment with Self and then to cultivate it in other relationships.


If you ever watch securely attached children, their use of play and joy is incredibly beautiful.  They are gurus at being in the moment, present and mindful.  Let's help you cultivate joy and create the life you've always dreamed.




Contact & Fees

I primarily provide tele-health services from Minneapolis, Minnesota, however I do one day face to face sessions at 100 W 46th St Minneapolis.


For those that are interested in the Grieve & Love Well program please go to to watch a 15-minute video to see if the program is right for you.  No one should grieve alone!


-55 minute Individual, Couple or Family Assessment $275

-55 minute therapy session $200

-90 minute individual or relational session $300

-2 hour individual or relational session $400

-55  minute consultation session $200

I take some insurances, please call to see if I am in network with your plan. We also can also consider out of network benefits and HSA plans.

-Grieve & Love Well 4 Month Group Program $1,000 (monthly payment plans available at $250 per month)

Yoga Series $40 per class


Thanks for submitting!

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